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tuhan bapa bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tuhan bapa"
  • tuhan:    deity; god; god's; gods; lor; the infinite; the
  • bapa:    dad; daddy; father; father-god; fatherhood;
  • bapa:    dad; daddy; father; father-god; fatherhood; founding father; male parent; pappa; dada; founder; beginner; pop; forefather; sire; head of household; patriarch; papa; pa; begetter
  • tuhan:    deity; god; god's; gods; lor; the infinite; the infinite one; the lord; lord; godlike; godhood; immortal; owner; goddess; divine; demiurge; monotheism; master; divinity; supreme; supreme being; theo
  • tuhan!:    heavens
  • bapa-bapa jiwa kudus:    congregation of the holy spirit
  • bapa-bapa kapadokia:    cappadocian fathers
  • allah bapa:    father god; god the father
  • allah-bapa:    fathergod
  • bapa apostolik:    apostolic fathers
  • bapa ayam:    procurer
  • bapa gereja:    church fathers
  • bapa gurun:    desert fathers
  • bapa kami:    our father; lord’s prayer; lord's prayer
  • bapa mertua:    wife's father
  • God, our father, your power brings us to birth.
    Tuhan, Bapa kami, kekuatanMu melahirkan kami.
  • Our Father lord of heaven hallowed be by name
    Tuhan Bapa di Surga, terpujilah nama-Mu..
  • I confess to God the father.
    Saya mengaku kepada Tuhan Bapa
  • God, the Father, commands you.
    Tuhan, Bapa, arahan kamu.
  • God, the Father in Heaven.
    Tuhan, Bapa di Surga.
  • Take the Godís offering father.
    Mengambil Prasad Tuhan Bapa.
  • Christ Ahnsahnghong who established Zion god the father
    Kristus Ahnsahnghong Yang Membangun Sion kebenaran dasar, tuhan bapa
  • The Savior & the New Name faith, god the father
    Juruselamat dan Nama Baru iman, tuhan bapa
  • Savior of Each Age & the New Name god the father
    Juruselamat pada Setiap Zaman & Nama Baru tuhan bapa
  • The Spiritual City of Refuge & the Earth basic truth, god the father
    Kota Perlindungan Rohani & Bumi kebenaran dasar, tuhan bapa
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2